What we say

Walk the talk

Nov 21, 2016

While the election has drawn more attention to getting involved in community issues, taking action has always been a priority at Piper & Gold.

It’s not enough to say, “I want to impact the community.” It’s not enough to say, “I want to help the City of Lansing and its residents.” And it’s not enough to say, “I support others in their initiatives to make the world a better place.”

You have to do it – get out there, and make it happen.

As an agency we’re always trying to use words to make an impact in our community. Acting as storytellers for our clients is what we do best. But it’s more than just the sharing. It’s the follow-through we really pride ourselves on.

The next step in storytelling is to turn those words into meaningful action. Whether that means participating in a community event, volunteering for an organization or something as simple as supporting a colleague on their work, walking the talk means taking action.

We’re truly fortunate to work with businesses and organizations that are making a difference in their communities. When you believe in their mission and the people who work there, it’s easy to put our words into action.

We also encourage taking action when it isn’t easy. Though it may seem like there’s never enough time in the day, ask yourself how you can make an impact on your community through what you’re doing right now. That way, instead of saying, “I want to impact the community,” you can say, “I impact the community everyday through my work.”

And we pledge to do the same. Our passion is using our skills to make an impact on the things we care about. And we try to live that passion in our community and our lives.

Tags: community, community relations, local impact, #Truths