My risk-aversion is no secret. I like to play it safe, and I can be <gasp> resistant to change. I don’t love it about myself, and I try to be mindful of it to keep it from paralyzing me
I also know risk-aversion can be a really good thing. I’m intentional. I’m thoughtful. I work to minimize mistakes.
I KNOW Piper & Gold needs to move into our next physical space. But moving is no small task so I’ve happily leaned on my risk aversion to make this process as deliberate and well-considered as possible. And that patience has paid off.
At a time when many agencies and organizations are minimizing their physical footprints, we’ve (thoughtfully, intentionally and with great care, of course) decided we NEED to expand ours.
If you’ve ever been in our hot pink wonder of an office, you know we’ve become wizards with our space. It’s like a beautiful game of Tetris, which is great on a Gameboy, but not sustainable. We’ve all known we needed a change, and now it’s time.
After more than a year of looking for the space that would check all our must-haves and most of our like-to-haves, we’ve found a new home.
Next month, the P&G family will be moving into the Krentel Building in REO Town, and we’re thrilled at all the ways it’s going to help our team and our clients. Not only will we triple our square footage, but we’ll have our own private conference room, access to a large, multimedia-rich, shared conference space and lots and lots of wall space <squee!>.
Aside from giving us more room to spread out, I think the wall space is the thing we’re most excited about. We do a lot of brainstorming and visualization work with and for our clients. We can’t wait to have a big, open wall to cover in whiteboards and giant Post-it notes. We also use a lot of the tenants of agile project management, and a little Google search will tell you visualization is a big part of it. We’re thrilled to have the chance to further incorporate agile project management and have big, open expanse to do it.
We’re also excited to add collaboration spots within our office. We know how important it is to have a different view for new ideas (#workaway, much?), and we’re able to incorporate pockets for collaboration that will let us get a fresh perspective right within our office.
We’re also thrilled to stay within the city of Lansing and to join the REO Town community. We started in a business incubator, and our current office is right in the heart of Old Town. As much as we’ll mourn not having Pablo’s right next door any more, we look forward to getting to know our new neighbors and neighborhood.
And one of the amazing benefits of moving into the Krentel Building is we’ll share it with other small businesses and partners. I MISS the camaraderie that came with being in a business incubator. It was a balm to my entrepreneur soul, and I look forward to building those relationships (and hopefully a few friendships) with our new neighbors at Change Media Group, EXIT Home Realty Partnersand LEAP, Inc.
It’s an exciting time for us, our clients and our communities. I’m genuinely over the moon to share this next step in the P&G journey with you. Stay tuned for renovation photos and a tour of our new space to better serve our clients… and ourselves.