Category: What's new

At Piper & Gold, we know we have the power to change our community — and our world — for the better. We show up every day committed to supporting a more just, equitable society through communications.
Category: What's new
Services: Community Relations and Grassroots Advocacy, Digital Media, Media Relations, Strategy and Planning, Writing

Category: What's new

What’s your definition of winning? Sure, we win awards for our work — lots of them, actually. But our definition of winning is making a difference and effecting real change and having a good time while doing it.
Category: What's new
Services: Digital Media, Visual Storytelling

In the PR world, most of our days are spent drafting press releases, communication plans and compelling content. But we also have the opportunity to create intentional solutions through the art of design.
Category: What's new
Services: Community Relations and Grassroots Advocacy, Digital Media, Media Relations, Strategy and Planning, Visual Storytelling, Writing

Everyone wants to make a difference with their life. Whether we realize it or not, this is what drives us or causes us to lose motivation. And it is especially true in PR.
Movin’ out: Your questions answered
Sep 12, 2018
Category: What's new

As our low-key move announcement has gained traction, we have had more and more questions filtering in. Why are you moving? Where to? Is your old space available?
Celebrate the arts with us!
Sep 6, 2018
Category: What's new

Arts Night Out: The Reveal
Friday, September 7, 5 to 8 p.m. (Art reveal at 6:30 p.m.)
313 1/2 East Grand River Avenue
Old Town, Lansing
Category: What's new

My risk-aversion is no secret. I like to play it safe, and I can be <gasp> resistant to change. I don’t love it about myself, and I try to be mindful of it to keep it from paralyzing me
Category: What's new

“I’m at my best when I’ve had at least two cups of coffee and I’m working with organizations whose missions I care deeply about. I believe every person should have equal opportunity and human rights.”
Category: What's new
Services: Community Relations and Grassroots Advocacy, Digital Media, Media Relations, Strategy and Planning, Visual Storytelling, Writing

Everyone wants to make a difference with their life. Whether we realize it or not, this is what drives us or causes us to lose motivation. And it is especially true in PR.