Two years, one graduation & a pandemic later: Here’s what I’ve learned
May 10, 2021
Category: P&G culture
Services: Writing
Less than a month into my internship with Piper & Gold, I was asked to write a reflection blog post on six things I learned in my first month at the agency. They were:
- My work matters.
- Ask for help.
- Take time to reflect.
- Collaboration is key.
- Utilize others’ expertise.
- Have fun.
The funny thing is, those six original learning moments still hold true today. When I was writing that blog, I didn’t even consider I’d still be “at” P&G 23(!) months later. In that time, and as I shifted into my full-time role in May of last year, I’ve had the opportunity to grow — and fail — as a communications professional, writer, project manager, researcher and person.
Although our weekly team meetings and check-in calls have shifted, our values haven’t. I know at any time, I can open up Google Hangouts and give Cassie a call or direct message Kate, Hilary or Tess for productivity support and inspiration. We’ve even implemented P&G University, a weekly team learning session where a P&G team member or external expert presents on a new topic, skill or idea. These sessions are a way for all of us to learn and grow as people and professionals together.
So, almost two years after writing my “first month at P&G” blog post, I really only have one thing to add to my list: Support one another. No matter the circumstance — even amid a global pandemic, graduations, engagements, babies, promotions, illnesses, cross country moves and transitions away from the company — the team is there for each other through it all.
The P&G team is honest and understanding. They surprised me with a virtual graduation party. They encouraged me to prioritize my mental health and supported my decision to seek out therapy for the first time in my life. Bottom line: they’re there to support one another at every endeavor, personal and professional. I’m grateful for this team of women who inspire me to be my best self and do my best work. And it’s an honor to collaborate with and learn from them every day.
Every so often, when our weeks seem to be dragging, a team member will start a thread of #FuckingHoorays. These are a bright light or something you’re excited about, even in the midst of the trauma we’ve collectively endured over the past year. Sometimes it’s a new plant; other times, it’s that someone got a full night's sleep. I know years from today, when I look back at the pandemic, I’ll remember the pain, loss, stress and frustration. But I’ll also remember it as my first year as a real adult, a year when I was able to lean on my team for support in all aspects of my life. My #FuckingHooray of the pandemic is my job and this team.
Cheers to two years at P&G and one year as a full-time team member/adult human. And here’s to many more!