2+7=9 Creativity-inspiring resources for designers
Jun 27, 2019
Category: PR tactics
Services: Visual Storytelling

One of my favorite things about being a designer is how fast this industry changes. Each day there are emerging trends, new ways to connect and communicate with an audience, and there are infinite color and typeface combinations.
Beyond the Bling: Making student saving successful
Jun 26, 2019
Category: PR tactics
Services: Community Relations and Grassroots Advocacy, Visual Storytelling

When you think about saving money, the last person you would consider to be a good saver is a kindergartener. We — and the City of Lansing — think otherwise.

During Pride, it’s common for straight, cisgender people to read really great articles about how to be an ally.
Category: P&G culture

My first day at Piper & Gold Public Relations as a student strategist was exactly four weeks ago on Thursday, May 9.
Category: PR strategy
Services: Community Relations and Grassroots Advocacy, Strategy and Planning, Visual Storytelling

All too often, we hear PR professionals claim they “don’t do math” or “aren’t good at math.” Can we please stop saying that? Just because math isn’t all that we do, it doesn’t mean that we don’t need or use math to effectively do our jobs.
1: Embracing numbers in public relations
Jun 1, 2019
Category: PR strategy
Services: Strategy and Planning

At our core, many of us in public relations are writers. And a large number of people believe this means we're not into math.